The Reading League Compass: Providing Direction

The science of reading marketplace is difficult to navigate and digest. It is often full of misinformation that makes educators, educational leaders, and decision-makers vulnerable to implementing practices that are somehow labeled as “science of reading,” yet they are not aligned with the scientific evidence base. The Reading League Compass provides reliable and understandable guidance for a variety of targeted stakeholders.


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New to the Science of Reading

What is the science of reading?

The science of reading is a vast, interdisciplinary body of scientifically-based research about reading and issues related to reading and writing.

What can we learn from the science of reading?

The Science of Reading is not a curriculum, a political fad, or a one size fits all approach to reading. It is much more than just phonics. The Reading League’s Curriculum Evaluation Guidelines describe “red flag” practices that are not aligned with the scientific evidence of how students learn to read. It is a helpful resource for educators and leaders to reflect on their instructional materials and practices.

How can I learn more about the science of reading?

The Science of Reading: Defining Guide is a great introductory resource to learn more about what the science of reading is, and what it is not.

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