The Reading League Chapters

The Reading League Chapters

Join your state chapter today for information on educational events, literacy news, and opportunities to connect with other league members in your state.

The Reading League Chapter Map

Chapter Sponsors

We are thankful to recognize the following organizations as sponsors of state chapters, all of whom share our commitment to our mission.

TRL New Jersey

TRL New York

TRL Georgia

TRL Vermont

TRL Louisiana

Upcoming Chapter Events

Find events happening with your local chapter.

Rationale for Affiliation

Affiliation with a national organization provides many benefits; Chapters gain:

  • Expertise through consultation and technical assistance;
  • Visibility and clout as part of a larger, more powerful group;
  • Exposure and marketing on the TRL website;
  • Coordination of its programs and activities with those of TRL;
  • Access to information and materials such as presentations, handouts, videos;
  • Increased advocacy and traction for its mission.

General Criteria

Chapters will:

  • Incorporate as a separate organization
  • Become a tax-exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the IRS code or have a fiscal sponsor that is tax-exempt under Section 501 (c) (3)
  • Obtain and maintain appropriate insurance
  • Establish bylaws that are consistent with those of TRL
  • File an annual report to TRL on July 1 of each year
  • Appoint a President and Treasurer
  • File audited financial reports with TRL
  • File IRS form 990 (or 990-EZ or 990-N) each year
  • Secure a membership base of at least 35 members
  • Seek funding or sponsorship for local activities and events
  • Pay a yearly affiliation fee to TRL (with the exception of Year One)
  • Offer events and engage in activities in alignment with the purpose and mission of TRL
  • Secure approval in advance from TRL for presentations, materials, sponsors/vendors
  • Maintain full transparency of activities and events
  • Abide by all the terms of the Affiliation Agreement

Applying for Chapter Status

Before becoming a Chapter, interested parties will submit to TRL:

  • Statement of goals and objectives of the group, to demonstrate alignment and consistency
    with those of TRL’s mission “to advance the awareness, understanding, and use of evidence aligned reading instruction.”
  • List of officers and description of duties
  • Interested member list
  • Method or plan for funding or revenue-generation
  • Initial plan for events and activities in which the Chapter wishes to engage

Download Roadmap to Becoming a Chapter

The Reading League Chapters

If you would like to learn more about becoming a Chapter of The Reading League, please contact Andrea Setmeyer, Chapter Director at

Chapter Agreement

Information Sheet

License Agreement

The Reading League

It Takes a League

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